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5 Fifth Grade


  Reading and Literature
Oral reading
Reading comprehension
Speed reading
Vocabulary building

Review of cursive writing formation through skill
practice, word exercises, original composition,
and sentence dictation

Spelling and Poetry
Weekly word lists on various categories and
vocabulary study
Six poems committed to memory

Writing Process
Sentences and sentence parts
Punctuation, capitalization, and quotation facts
Synonyms, antonyms, homonyms
Dictionary, thesaurus skills
Letters—business, friendly, post cards, thank-you notes
Making an outline
Writing a library research paper
Writing book reports
Creative writing

Recognizing and diagramming all eight parts of speech
Recognizing and diagramming complements
Word usage


History and

  Eight documents reviewed
Geography facts: terms, rivers, capitals, mountains, climate, deserts
Introduction to History and Geography
Fertile Crescent: Cradle of Civilization
Ancient Middle East
Middle East Today
Countries of Central and Southern Asia
Countries of the Far East
Egypt: The Gift of the Nile
  Africa Long Ago
Africa in Modern Times
Ancient Greece: Home of Beauty
Rome: Ruler of the Ancient World
Christianity: The Greatest Force in History
England and the British Isles
Other Countries of Western Europe
Countries of Eastern Europe
“Land Down Under” and Beyond


Amazing Mammals
A Variety of Vertebrates

Force and motion
Electricity and magnetism
Engines: steam, internal combustion, jet propulsion, rocket engines
Water, Air, Weather

Earth and Space

Geology: Treasures of the Earth
Oceanography: The Living Sea
Astronomy: The Nine Planets, Stars, Moon, Sun
Conservation: Preserving the Sea


  Circulatory System
Life in the Blood
Your Hardy Heart
Pathways through Your Body

Nutrition and Physical Fitness
A Balanced Diet
Daily Food Guide
Maintaining Your Proper Weight
Raising Your Rate of Metabolism
Aerobic Endurance
Muscular Strength and Flexibility
  Digestive System
Digestion Begins in the Mouth
Through the Esophagus, Stomach, Small
Intestine, Liver, Pancreas
Absorbing Digested Foods

Interpersonal Relationships

Social Acceptance
Mental Awareness
Spiritual Warfare


  Place value of whole numbers and decimals
Mastery of fundamental operations
Story problems
Problem-solving strategies
Roman numerals
Measuring to the quarter inch
Calculating time
Making change
Rounding off whole numbers, money, decimals, and mixed numbers
English and metric measures
Converting measures within the same system and solving measurement equations
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division involving fractions
Finding parts of a whole
  Divisibility rules
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division involving decimals
Introduction to percents
Reading a thermometer
Negative temperature
Converting from a Celsius scale to a Fahrenheit scale and from a Fahrenheit scale to a Celsius scale
Solving algebraic equations
Graphs and scale drawings
Graphing ordered pairs
Reading schedules and charts
Basic geometric shapes
Perimeter and area
Squares and square roots


  Lessons such as Salvation Series, Life of Moses, Tabernacle, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah, Samuel, David (includes memory verses, hymns/choruses, and Bible doctrine)

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Copyright © 2002-2004 Richmond Academy, Inc.
Last modified: May 17, 2004