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Cursive Writing | Phonics Reading

2 Second Grade



Phonics and Reading
Review of vowels, consonants, blends, one- and two-vowel words, consonant blends
Recognition and use of all phonics special sounds in reading
Spelling rules: doubling consonants, dropping silent e, changing y to i
Oral reading

Cursive Writing
Review of letter formation
Guided creative writing
Creative writing journal
Daily seatwork practice in all academic areas
Introduction to 3/4-space writing

Spelling and Poetry
Weekly phonics-based word list
Vocabulary words and definitions second semester
Weekly test


Reinforcement activities
Spelling glossary
Seven poems committed to memory

Capitalization of first word in a sentence, days of the week, months of the year, special holidays, people, and places
Correct punctuation at the ends of sentences
Complete sentences, questions, and exclamations
Words using suffixes, prefixes, abbreviations,
compound words, rhyming words, opposite words, same-meaning words, singular and plural words, singular possessive words, and contractions
Alphabetizing words and other dictionary skills
Word usage rules
Writing of complete sentences, questions, exclamations, and short stories
Writing letters and thank-you notes
Creative writing


History and

  America, Our Home
    Our Flag
    Our Patriotic Holidays
    Our Songs

The People Who Built America
    The Separatists
    America's Indians
    The Colonists
    America's Pioneers
    America's Cowboys
    The New Americans

Tomorrow's America




Enjoying the Plant World

Enjoying the Animal World

Health and Human Biology
Enjoying Myself and Others

Earth and Space
Enjoying the Stars and Planets
Enjoying Planet Earth


Enjoying the Air Around Us

Enjoying the Air Around Us
Enjoying Things That Move

Enjoying Things That Work Together


Safety, Manners


Posture, Nutrition, Exercise, Rest, Cleanliness, Diseases

At home and away from home, On streets, Around water, During bad weather

Politeness, Thoughtfulness, Kindness, Thankfulness, Cheerfulness, Patience, Respect, Table and Telephone Manners


  Number recognition, counting, and writing 1–10,000 and beyond
Numbers greatest and least 1–1,000
Counting and writing to hundred thousands, threes to 36, fours to 48
Ordinal numbers
Addition facts through 18, column addition, four-digit addition with carrying
Subtraction facts through 18, four-digit subtraction
with borrowing
Multiplication facts 0–5
Division facts 1–5
Story problems
Multiple combinations

Numbers before and after by ones, twos, threes, fours, fives, and tens
Counting and combining coins and bills
Telling time to the nearest minute
English and some metric measures
Drawing and measuring lines to one-half inch
Developing listening skills
Place value to thousands
Unit fractions
Making change
Reading a thermometer
Reading pictographs, bar graphs, and line graphs
Roman numerals


  Lessons such as Salvation Series, Life of Moses, Tabernacle, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Jonah
(includes memory verses, hymns/choruses, and Bible doctrine)

Cursive Writing | Phonics Reading

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Last modified: March 05, 2004