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Cursive Writing | Phonics Reading

3 Third Grade


  Phonics and Reading
Review of all phonics rules
Oral reading
Reading comprehension

Cursive Writing

Review of cursive writing formation 3/4-space high
Creative writing

Spelling and Poetry

Weekly phonics-based word list with vocabulary
Sentence dictation using spelling words
Reinforcement activities
Nine poems committed to memory
Writing Process
Complete sentences
Punctuation and capitalization rules
Creative writing, friendly letters

Recognition of simple nouns, subjects, verbs, adjectives
Word usage
Forming plurals and common contractions
Recognition of antonyms, homonyms, synonyms
Dictionary skills

History and

  Continents and oceans of the world
Study of world geography
States of the United States
Study of our American heritage through the lives of great people
    John Smith
    Miles Standish
    William Penn
    Ben Franklin
    George Washington
  Thomas Jefferson
Daniel Boone
Noah Webster
John Greenleaf Whittier
Robert E. Lee
Abraham Lincoln
Clara Barton
U. S. Grant
Louisa May Alcott
Booker T. Washington
George Washington Carver
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Billy Sunday



Exploring the Plant World

Exploring the World of Vertebrates
Exploring the World of Invertebrates

Health and Human Biology
Wonderfully Made


Earth and Space
Exploring the Ocean
Exploring the Weather

Exploring the Desert, the Ocean, the Pond, the Forest, the Farmer's Field


Health, Safety,


Posture, Exercise, Nutrition, Diet, Cleanliness, Fighting disease

Fire, Water safety, Home, Play safety, Street safety, First Aid

Proper introductions
Telephone manners
Courtesy and respect


  Recognition of the place value of numbers
Addition facts and checking addition problems with carrying
Subtraction facts and checking subtraction problems with borrowing
Multiplication tables 0–12 and multiplication problems with carrying
How to show a multiplication fact six ways
Division tables 1–12 and working and checking a division problem
Terminology for four processes
English and metric measures
Telling time
Roman numerals 1–1,000
Using a ruler

  Solving story problems with up to four steps
Recognizing and solving number sentences
Converting measures and solving measurement equations
Recognizing and working with greater than (>) and less than (<)
Counting money and solving money problems using the decimal point correctly
Solving problems containing parentheses
Fraction terminology and basic understanding of fractions
Averaging numbers
Reading a thermometer
Recognizing geometric shapes
Finding the unknown number in an equation


  Lessons such as Salvation Series, Parables, Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Daniel, Ezra/Nehemiah, Esther
(includes memory verses, hymns/choruses, and Bible doctrine)

Cursive Writing | Phonics Reading

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Last modified: May 17, 2004