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Monday: copy spelling list 30 once with defintions and once without then complete "proofreading quiz" on pg. 73 in spelling book, read pages 345-347 in history book then complete comprehension check 15E, study for history quiz, reread pages 82-85 in health book then complete page 87 comprehension check; Tuesday: complete lesson 153 math homework problems, copy spelling list 30 two times with defintions, study for spelling test, reread pages 73-77 in health book then complete health worksheet; Wednesday: study for verse quiz, study for vocab quiz, do Write B on page 304 in language book, study for language quiz, study for health quiz; Thursday: copy spelling list 31 twot imes with defintions then complete "scramble" on page 75; Friday: complete lesson 156 math homework problems, study for math quiz

All homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: write six sentences using different language words, study for language test, prepare notecards for oral book report, practice oral book report, copy spelling list 29 three times with defintions, reread pages 332-336 in history book then complete comprehension check 15A, read pages 61-65 in health book then do worksheet; Tuesday: complete lesson 148 math homework problems, copy spelling list 29 two times with defintions, study for spelling test, read pages 336-339 in history book then complete comprehension check 15B, practice oral book report,; Wednesday: study for history quiz; Thursday: study for vocab quiz, complete lesson 150 math homework problems, study for health quiz; Friday: complete lesson 151 math homework problems, copy spelling list 30 words three times with defintions, study for math test

All homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: study for vocab quiz, read Gulliver's Travels, do Think F on page 284 in language book, study for language quiz, copy spelling list 28 three times with definitons, reread pages 322-325 in history book then complete comprehension checkup 14J; Tuesday: complete lesson 143 math homework problems, read Gulliver's Travels, copy spelling list 28 two times with defintions, study for spelling test, study for history quiz, study for health quiz; Wednesday: study for vocab quiz, read Gulliver's Travels, do Think D on page 285 in language book, study for history test, study for health test; Thursday: complete lesson 145 math homework problems, read Gulliver's Travels, find a current event, study for health quiz; Friday: complete lesosn 146 math homework problems, finsh Gulliver's Travels, study for math quiz, study for language quiz, reread pages 47-57 in health book then complete comprehension checkup, write a balanced menu for one day

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday-Thursday: complete and finsh makeup work

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: complete lesson 133 math homework problems, copy spelling list 26 once with defintions and once without; Tuesday: study for verse quiz, study for vocab quiz, fwork on research report illustrations, study for spelling test, copy spelling list 26 two times with defintions, study for history quiz; Wednesdsay: complete lesson 135 math homework problems; Thursday: study for math quiz, finish research report; Friday: follow schoolwork assignments while on vacation

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: complete lesson 128 math homework problems, cope spelling list 25 two times with defintions; Tuesday: study for vocab quiz, continue working on rough draft of research report, write a story including as many spelling words as you can the words you don't use write two times with defintions, study for spelling test, study for history quiz, study for science quiz; Wednesday: complete lesson 130 math homework problems, work on illustrations for research report, complete chapter 9 checkup in science book; Thursday: complete lesson 131 math homework problems, study for math test, define science terms, study for science nine-week exam; Friday: finish writng second draft of research report, copy spelling list 26 two times with defintions and complete "say it in a sentence" on page 61 in spelling book, read pages 303-305 on history then complete comprehension check 14D

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: compete lesson 123 math homework problems, copy spelling list 24 two times with definitions, study for science quiz; Tuesday: Work on oral report, study for spelling test, copy spelling list 24 in reverse order two times with definitions, study for vocab quiz, study for history quiz; Wednesday: complete lesson 125 math homework problems, write a five question science quiz; Thursday: complete lesson 126 math homework problems, study for math quiz, study for nine week history exam, reread science pages

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Tuesday: study for vocab quiz, copy spelling list 23 two times with defintions, study for spelling test, practice oral science report, study for science quiz; Wednesday: complete lesson 120 math homework problems, study for history quiz; Thursday: complete lesson 121 math homework problems, study for history test, reread pages 356-359 in science book then complete comprehension check; Friday: copy spelling list 24 words three times with definitions, find current event, study for math test

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: study for verse quiz, study for vocabulary quiz, read report book, look over pages 227-233 in language book, copy spelling list 22 once with defintions and once without defintions, read pages 268-271 in history book then complete comprehension check 13B on page 271, study for history quiz; Tuesday: complete lesson 115 math homework problems, read report book, copy spelling list 22 two times with defintions, write a good sentence for each spelling word, study for spelling test, study for science test; Wednesday: complete lesson 116 math homework problems, study for math quiz, read report book; Thursday: read report book, reread pages 343-346 in science book then complete comprehension check 9.1, work on science oral report, finish rough draft of Helen Keller book report and proofread; Friday: complete lesson 118 math homework problems, read report book, copy spelling list 23 words 1-25 three times and words 26-35 two times with defintions, practice science oral report three times, reread pages 274-276in history book then complete comprehension check 13D on page 276

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: do Write B on page 208 in language book, read chapter 3 in report book, study for language quiz, use at least 20 spelling words in a story and write words not used two times, study for history test, study for vocab quiz; Tuesday: complete lesson 110 math homework problems, read chapter 4 in report book, copy spelling list 21 two times with definitions, study for spelling test, reread science pages 320-324 then complete comprehension check 8.5; Wednesday: study for math test, complete lesson 111 math homework problems, read chapter 5 in report book, reread science pages 325-330 then define science terms; Thrusday: read chapter 6 in report book, do Write B on page 220 in language book, reread history oages 264-267 then complete comprehension check 13A on page 267; Friday: complete lesson 113 math homework problems, read chapters 7 and 8 in report book, copy spelling list 22 three times with definitons, study for science quiz

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: study for vocab quiz, study for language test, do Think B on page 185 in language book, copy spelling list 20 once with definitions and once without definitions, complete "Alphabetical Order" on page 49 in spelling book; Tuesday: complete lesson 105 math homework problems, study for spelling test, copy spelling list 20 words two times with definitions, write a declarative sentence for each vocabulary word, write a five question science quiz over sections 8.1-8.3 with answers; Wednesday: complete lesson 106 math homework problems, study for amth quiz, reread science pages 304-311 then complete comprehension check 8.3; Thursday: reread pages 254-258 in history book then complete comprehension check 12C on page 258, do Think A on page 205 in language book, study for language quiz; Friday: complete lesson 108 math homework problems, copy spelling list 21 words 1-25 three times and 26-35 two times with definitons, complete history worksheet, stidy for history quiz

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Monday: study for vocab quiz, copy spelling list 19 once with definitions and once without, be prepared to present science oral report; Tuesday: complete lesson 100 math homework problems, copy spelling list 19 once with definitions and once without, use each vocab word in a good sentence, study for spelling test, study for history quiz; Wednesday: complete lesson 101 math homework problems, study for math test, complete history worksheet, study for history test, reread pages 289-292 in science book; Thursday: study for science quiz, finish writing book report; Friday: complete lesson 103 math homework problems, study for language quiz, copy spelling list 20 1-25 three times and 26-35 two times with definitons, read pages 248-251 in history book then complete comprehension check 12A on page 251

Homework assignments are subject to change.

Tuesday: complete lesson 95 math homework problems, read chapter 14 in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, copy spelling list 18 two times with definitons, study for spelling test, study for science quiz, reread pages 280-282 in science book then complete comprehension check 7.6, work on oral report for science; Wednesday: study for math quiz, complete lesson 96 math homework problems, read chapter 15 in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, do Write C on page 176 in language book, complete chapter 7 checkup D and E on page 285 in science book, work on science oral report; Thursday: read chapter 16 in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, do Think C on page 181 in language book, study for history quiz, reread pages 237-239 in history book then complete comprehensio check 11B on page 239, study for science test, define science terms, work on science oral report; Friday: complete lesson 98 math homework problems, read chapters 17 and 18 in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, study for language quiz, copy spelling list 19 words 1-25 three times and words 26-35 one time with defintion, complete "Pronunciation Check" on page 47 of spelling book, work on science oral report

Homework assignments subject to change.

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Last modified: March 07, 2005